Hello, and a very warm welcome to the Good Vibration Retreats website.
You are invited to join us on the path to healing the body, mind and spirit. At each Retreat we will introduce you to outstanding practitioners who all come personally recommended by Kit who has consulted them to turn her own illness picture into a picture of health.
There is no one path to wellness. What works for one person may not be effective for another. It depends on what the causative factors are in each individual case. Kit has spent over thirty years working with a very wide variety of holistic modalities and wants to share the best and most effective with you. By attending a GVR retreat you will have the opportunity to be exposed to and recognise which therapists create that ‘inner ding’ of recognition that identifies your solutions.
Please browse through our upcoming Retreats. Each one will have a slightly different focus so that we can offer the widest possible range of alternative and complementary routes to finding the support and expertise to guide your health solutions.
We hope you enjoy what we have to offer.